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Have you ever noticed two lines that appear in the middle of an iPhone screen? These lines are a common sight, and many iPhone users do not know what they signify. These lines can be quite distracting, and some even assume that they suggest a hardware defect or a software issue. In reality, these lines are part of the iPhone's user interface and are meant to serve a specific purpose. In this article, we will explore the reason behind these lines and how they can be useful for iPhone users.


The purpose of the two lines

One of the primary functions of the iPhone user interface is to provide feedback to users regarding their actions. The iPhone's designers understand that they need to give users a clear indication of the interaction they have made, and these two lines are a manifestation of that principle. The two lines in question have a specific name, and they are called "tracking lines." Essentially, these lines are a visual cue that indicates that the user is selecting or dragging an object, either within an application or on the home screen. In a way, these lines function as a kind of digital "handle" that lets the user know that they are successfully manipulating an object, and where that object is positioned on the screen. The source of this feedback is the iPhone's touch sensor, which communicates with the device's software to produce the visual representation of the two lines.

The tracking lines will appear when you touch and hold an icon, an app, or an object within an application. Once you pass a certain threshold, the object moves along with your finger, and the lines follow its movement. This feature is especially helpful for precise movements, such as when moving an icon from one folder to another, without dropping it or deleting it by mistake. Essentially, the tracking lines are an essential aspect of the iPhone's overall touch feedback system, and they help to make interactions more intuitive and straightforward.


How tracking lines can be customized

Despite being a core part of the iPhone's user interface, tracking lines' appearance can be modified according to the user's preferences. If you would like to change the design of the tracking lines, you can do so via the phone's accessibility settings. Here's how:

  1. Open the 'Settings' app.
  2. Select 'General.'
  3. Choose 'Accessibility.'
  4. Scroll down and tap 'Touch.'
  5. Tap 'AssistiveTouch.'
  6. Toggle on the 'AssistiveTouch' option if it is not already on.
  7. Now, tap 'Customize Top Level Menu.'
  8. Scroll down to 'Custom Actions.'
  9. Select 'Create New Gesture.'
  10. A screen will appear where you can customize the tracking lines' appearance according to your preference. You can add multiple lines, change their colors, and more.
  11. After you have customized the tracking lines' appearance to your liking, save the changes, and exit the settings app.

In conclusion, the tracking lines that appear in the middle of an iPhone screen signify the user's interaction with the device. They are a crucial part of the iPhone's user interface, providing users with a clear indication of their actions. These lines can also be customized to suit the user's preference, making them an essential aspect of iPhone personalization. Understanding what these lines signify and how to use them can make your iPhone interactions more seamless and improve your user experience.

标签: 苹果手机
